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What are memes? How do they effect you? Where can I find memes? What makes a good meme? All all of this answered below.


The Impact of Memes:

     Doctor Nancy Jervis, Ph.D. in Anthropology, states that “Culture comes from linkage and transmissions of ideas between groups of individuals. Cultures then evolve into larger groupings called culture areas - regions with shared cultural traits.” Merriam Webster Dictionary defines a meme as ”an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person”. With this information, it seems logical to deduce that if memes are an idea “that spreads from person to person”, then memes are part of a culture.

     Memes can be pretty much anything. Whether it be the traditional image with text, a funny gif, or a YouTube video. There are entire websites dedicated to memes such as Reddit, iFunny, and Knowyourmeme. But a vast majority of memes can be accessed through Google images or Youtube.

     Memes usually reflect something that is happening, or has happened recently in the world. As a result memes do lose popularity becoming what is known as "old" or "dead memes", meaning memes that aren't relevant anymore, though small groups may still find them entertaining. This means that memes do change and evolve over time which can lead to some pretty interesting results.

     Whether they admit or not, people love to laugh and memes are a quick and easy outlet to do so. If a meme isn't funny it doesn't catch on. If a meme is funny people will find them and send them to other people, causing the meme gain popularity. Memes are a very well received creation of the internet. While it is very hard to find any real opposition to them some people dislike memes. This is because people may find them to be to "offensive", "immature", or "gratuitous" While memes do have a widespread influence they aren't completely universal. This ends up creating an environment where people share their true opinions, though not everyone gets along peacefully.

     The point of all this is simple really. We want to help you make your own memes. Caption a photo, make a video, animate a gif, do something to make people laugh and experience the joys of meme culture.  So without further ado, let's stop these ramblings and make some memes.

Shooting Satrs - Bag Raiders


We want you to make your own memes and submit them to our forum. Utilizing online sources such as Memegenerator, iFunny, or any other software you own. Remember the point of memes and that it serves to entertain and relate to others.







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